What’s On AT CF61
Here’s what’s on at the centre each week
TO FIND OUT HOW TO GET INVOLVED, Please contact session provider directly.
Digital Skills - 12.00pm - 2.00pm
A range of computer workshops for all levels, from absolute beginners to confident users, and all our courses are accredited.
E-mail palmerstoncentre@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk Telephone: 01446 733762
Get Cooking Course - 1pm - 3pm
Get cooking is a free 8-week cooking course
• Experienced and new cooks welcome • Quick, easy, and tasty meal ideas
• Free portion of what you make to take home • The chance to gain Agored Cymru credits
• Meet new people
E-mail: food.vale.cav@wales.nhs.uk
Welsh for Adults with Learn Welsh the Vale - 10.00am - 12.00pm (Foundation 2)
E-mail: learnwelsh@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk | Tel: 01446 730402 | Website: www.learnwelsh.cymru/thevale
St Donat’s Choral Practice - 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Great music and the company of friends. Coffee & chat at half-time. No audition. Sight reading skills not necessary.
Tel: 07947 395719 | Website: https//stdonats.org
Dynamic Pilates with Julie Dennis - 9.15am
This class is aimed at those with previous Pilates experience. It is a faster paced class with some more challenging exercises. It follows the basic principles of the classical order which was started by Joseph Pilates. However, do not be afraid to contact me if you have specific needs as the exercises can always be adapted to suit you. The class is fun and we also work hard to allow you to leave feeling like you have had a work out with a big smile on your face.
Progressive Pilates with Julie Dennis - 11.45am
This class is aimed at those who are new to Pilates, who haven’t done any Pilates in a while or those who would prefer a slower paced class. The slower pace allows you to take your time and feel how Pilates can really benefit your body. It is a great class if you have any injuries or health issues, as I can adapt any of the exercises to best suit you. Bring a sense of humour and a mat and be prepared to get to know your body.
E-mail: julie@tidypilates.co.uk | Tel: 07803 845946 | Website: https://www.tidypilates.co.uk
Welsh for Adults with Learn Welsh the Vale - 10.00am - 12.00pm (Entry level 2)
E-mail: learnwelsh@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk | Tel: 01446 730402 | Website: www.learnwelsh.cymru/thevale
Symud gyda Babi with Sioned - 1.30pm - 2.30pm (Term time only)
Please get in touch with your local Officer Sioned Stephens for more information or to book, on 07931652092 or email Sioned.stephens@meithrin.cymru
Website Homepage - Mudiad Meithrin - Welsh-medium playgroups or look up Cymraeg i Blant Bro Morgannwg on Facebook and Instagram.
AB Dancers for ages 4 to 7, with Annette Bracey school of dance - 3.30pm - 4.30pm
A class filled with fun whilst learning the basics of ballet and stage performance.
E-mail: ABdancers@hotmail.com Telephone: 07718 647402
Kick Boxing - 5.30pm - 6.30pm
Increase confidence / discipline / self defence / self respect / skills
E-mail: ron.curnow@btinternet.com | Tel: 07359 139810
Llantwit Major Taekwondo - 7.00pm - 8.00pm
Established for over 40 years, teaching discipline, courtesy, etiquette, perseverance and self control. Self defense is a high priority within Master Paul's teaching. The classes not only offer the opportunity to train with some elite Taekwondo athletes, but also to join a martial art family. The sport side gives you a opportunity to compete all over the World with a pathway to become an Olympian.
Thingumijigs - 7.00pm - 9.00pm (normally 1st & 3rd Tuesday, check for dates)
Thingumijigs are a Community Ceilidh Band based in Llantwit Major in the Vale of Glamorgan.
Available for ceilidhs, barn dances & twmpaths, for parties, weddings & village socials, for charity & private events.
E-mail: thingumijigs@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/883124451806465/
Welsh for Adults with Learn Welsh the Vale - 10.00am - 12.00pm (Foundation 1)
E-mail: learnwelsh@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk | Tel: 01446 730402 | Website: www.learnwelsh.cymru/thevale
Dance Exercise Therapy class with Eliana - 10.00am - 11.00am
Two Levels: FAB - Low to Medium / FIT - Medium to High
Contact Eliana on Telephone 07398 727599 / 01446 795745
Progressive Pilates with Julie Dennis - 11.30am
This class is aimed at those who are new to Pilates, who haven’t done any Pilates in a while or those who would prefer a slower paced class. The slower pace allows you to take your time and feel how Pilates can really benefit your body. It is a great class if you have any injuries or health issues, as I can adapt any of the exercises to best suit you. Bring a sense of humour and a mat and be prepared to get to know your body.
Gentle Pilates with Julie Dennis - Wednesday 1.45pm
This class is aimed at those who do not exercise frequently and may be a feeling a little stiff around the edges. The aim of the class is to get joints moving and build up functional strength to help make day to day life easier and more enjoyable. The class is designed to be done seated or in standing and is open to all. No previous experience required, just a sense of humour and willingness to have a go.
E-mail: julie@tidypilates.co.uk | Tel: 07803 845946 | Website: https://www.tidypilates.co.uk
Welsh for Adults with Learn Welsh the Vale - 12.30pm - 2.30pm (Intermediate 1)
E-mail: learnwelsh@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk | Tel: 01446 730402 | Website: www.learnwelsh.cymru/thevale
Youth Club - 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Llantwit Major Youth Club is run by the Vale Youth Service. It is open to young people aged 11-17. This youth clubs offer opportunities for young people to make friends and have fun in a safe environment. A variety of activities is offered from sport, to cooking, to arts and crafts and much more!
E-mail: valeyouthservice@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk Tel: 01446 709308
English Lessons for Ukranian families - 5.00pm - 7.00pm
Organised by Vale of Glamorgan Council Resettlement Team
TAI CHI Qigong SHEBASHI, with Motion Control Dance - 9.30am - 10:30am
Our 50+ session is holistic and relaxed, focusing upon building new friendship groups as well as enhancing health and wellbeing by staying active. Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi focuses on the mind, breath and movement to create a calm, natural balance of energy through the execution of 18 gentle exercises that have many health benefits. Seated and standing versions are available for each excercise.
Please register your interest here: https://app.loveadmin.com/Registration/CA22AC97EE5DB13E274695CA4CDD401745CEE6D216F4069413446BE2C36B6695.htm
For more information contact Emma on 07725038778 or at www.motioncontroldance.com
Dynamic Pilates with Julie Dennis - 9.30am
This class is aimed at those with previous Pilates experience. It is a faster paced class with some more challenging exercises. It follows the basic principles of the classical order which was started by Joseph Pilates. However, do not be afraid to contact me if you have specific needs as the exercises can always be adapted to suit you. The class is fun and we also work hard to allow you to leave feeling like you have had a work out with a big smile on your face.
E-mail: julie@tidypilates.co.uk | Tel: 07803 845946 | Website: https://www.tidypilates.co.uk
Foodshare Pantry, Llantwit Major - 12.30pm - 2.00pm
Foodshare Llantwit Major works with Fareshare Cymru, fareshare Go, The Need to Feed, and local Supermarkets to collect end of day food waste and purchase pre-supermarket surplus food, which we then give out to the local community to help you whilst helping stop food waste!
Every Thursday at CF61 from 12.30pm – 2.30pm.
You do not have to formally qualify for service use, however we are currently quite busy and therefore operate on a time slot booking service, so if you would like to come along please contact us to book in. If you cannot contact us for any reason, then just pop along and around 12:30 – 1:30 and we will fit you in.
For more info contact: foodshare@gvs.wales
Facebook: www.facebook.com/foodsharellantwit Instagram @foodsharellantwit
St Athan Clothes Bank - 12.00pm - 2.00pm
A community group of people who volunteer their time to help those in need.
Chatty Caffi - 12:30pm - 2.30pm (1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month) <OPEN EVERY THURSDAY IN JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH 2025>
Open every first and third Thursday each month for fresh-brewed ground coffees, a selection of fairtrade teas and other refreshments. Cuppas, company and chatty-ness, free of charge for everyone of every age… Chatty Caffi runs alongside Foodshare and St Athan Clothes bank, and on the 3rd Thursday of the month the “More than Food” project also attend with an advice and support service.
E-mail: chattycaffi@gmail.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555844560172
Llantwit Major Arts and Crafts Group - 7.30pm - 9.30pm (Every 1st and 3rd Thursday, with exceptions)
This is community group for anyone interested in, or already practicing any arts and crafts.
For more information, please contact Martin at fachlwyd@icloud.com
Breath Creative ‘Arts for Well-Being’ sessions (Funded by Arts Council for Wales) - 5.00pm - 6.30pm
Vale of Glamorgan Council Integration session for Ukranian families
Butterfly Holistic Therapies - 7.00pm - 9.00pm (Every third Thursday)
Holistic Reiki Share
E-mail: georginabacon64@gmail.com Tel
Llantwit Major Taekwondo Classes - 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Established for over 40 years, teaching discipline, courtesy, etiquette, perseverance and self control. Self defense is a high priority within Master Paul's teaching. The classes not only offer the opportunity to train with some elite Taekwondo athletes, but also to join a martial art family. The sport side gives you a opportunity to compete all over the World with a pathway to become an Olympian.
Chatty Caffi - First Saturday of each month 10:30am - 12:30pm
Join us for fresh-brewed ground coffees, a selection of fairtrade teas and other refreshments. Cuppas, company and chatty-ness, free of charge for everyone of every age…
Email chattycaffi@gmail.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555844560172
Tune Club First Saturday of each month 1.00pm - 4.00pm